Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Wise: Having or showing knowledge, experience, and good judgement. The word wise came from the combination of 4-5 different languages. Derived from wise comes the word wisdom.
The word wise means to have or show knowledge but the word smart means to act clean, tidy and well dressed or to have or show quick-witted intelligence. I think that the word wise is more consequential and formal.
“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” 
― Albert Einstein
1. Named the "Person of the Century" by time magazine.
2. Have been married twice.
3. Have married his first cousin
4. Had an illegitimate daughter.
5. Hitler considered Albert as public enemy number one
6. Most favorite thing: Violin and Sailing
7. Least favorite thing: Haircuts and Socks

Albert Einstein was known for his wisdom because he had great skills of math, science and also he had inspiring an mind, and quotes
I sought out a wise person for advice, and that wise person was me. Every time I got stuck in the middle of nowhere that won't let me go forward. I got advice from "think" and "solve" for what I don't understand because sometimes they're the best helpers of all.